Category: Uncategorized

What Happens When I Die Without a Will?

By Jesil Cajes, Solicitor, McWilliam Tyree Lawyers A Will is one of the most important documents you will ever sign in your life (What is a Will & When Should I Have One)  Death can be an uncomfortable topic to discuss and often, we do not talk about it let alone plan for it. When… Read more »

What is a Will & When Should I have One?

By Jesil Cajes, Solicitor, McWilliam Tyree Lawyers, Wellington A Will is a legal document that sets out your plan once you’ve died. This plan includes how your property will be divided and who will “step into your shoes” for your children as a parent when you die or they are called “testamentary guardians”.  Arguably, a… Read more »

Surrogacy in New Zealand Needs Certainty

By Jesil Cajes, Solicitor, McWilliam Tyree Lawyers, Wellington Surrogacy is an arrangement where a woman gives birth to a child that is not intended to be hers, but that she carries for the intended parents. The child is usually the genetic child or one or both of the intended parents. The term ‘intended parents’ refers… Read more »

Harriet Willis – Appointment to McWilliam Tyree

McWilliam Tyree are pleased to announce the appointment of Harriet Willis in March 2022 as a solicitor with the firm. Harriet joins the firm having previously been practising at a litigation firm in Lower Hutt since 2019. Harriet practices in the areas of family and criminal law, and is involved in supporting the Wellington and… Read more »

Sarah Ineson – Promotion to Senior Associate

McWilliam Tyree are pleased to announce that Sarah Ineson was promoted to Senior Associate as of April 2022. Sarah has been a valued member of the firm, since first joining McWilliam Rennie in 2011. The Directors and staff at McWilliam Tyree offer their congratulations to Sarah on her well-deserved promotion.

I got married overseas. Can I get a divorce in New Zealand?

By Jesil Cajes, Solicitor, McWilliam Tyree Lawyers, Wellington Many people currently living in New Zealand got married to their spouse overseas- either because they are migrants to New Zealand or because New Zealanders have travelled and then returned home. Sadly, some of those marriages come to an end. At McWilliam Tyree we are frequently approached… Read more »

Welcome to McWilliam
Tyree Lawyers

We are delighted to announce the launch of McWilliam Tyree. McWilliam Tyree has been founded from the practice formerly known as McWilliam Rennie – a specialist family law practice founded in 2011.  We are thrilled to introduce Helen Tyree as a Director, joining Leona McWilliam in the practice, with former partner Jacinda Rennie having decided

Can children consent to COVID-19 vaccination?

By: Jesil Cajes, Solicitor, McWilliam Tyree Lawyers, Wellington In August 2021, New Zealand expanded its COVID-19 vaccination rollouts to children aged 12 to 15 years old. At the time of writing Medsafe has given provisional approval for the Pfizer vaccine for children aged 5-11 years old.   This raises an important issue on whether children under… Read more »