Client care & costs

Trust Account Administration

We maintain a trust account for funds held on behalf of clients.

If we are holding funds on your behalf we will require your authorisation to carry out transactions using these funds, and will contact you about this as required. Please note that when making payments on your behalf, we may also need to verify bank account information with you.

Payment of Accounts

We will invoice you at your first appointment.

We will then invoice you regularly, on a monthly basis or at another appropriate stage (such as the resolution of your matter). Please note that our invoices are payable within 14 days of issue.


As a reporting entity for the purposes of the Anti-Money Laundering & Countering Financial of Terrorism Act 2009 we are required to carry out customer due diligence for our clients.

The type of information required will depend on the nature of your instruction, but will generally include a requirement to provide identity verification such as a passport. When first making an appointment with us we will discuss the types of documents required.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our office manager Jenny Paget or on 04 924 2460.